Thank you
We didn't get here alone.
The following people believed in this site and shared their belief long before they had any real proof it was going to be great. They shared it with friends and were the core inspiration that kept us going in the many late nights we worked putting it together.
Felice Lam
Felice Lam is a whirlwind who is into almost everything cool about the internet, food and life in general. She is also the first person we asked for help we needed someone to deliver an amazing speech for our intro video. Felice made us a little cooler and believed before nobody else.
Terri Nakamura
Terri was the inspiration for many of the most important aspects of She was one of our first investors. She is a close and trusted friend.
Beside what she means to us, Terri is the award-winning designer/owner of Nakamura Graphic Design.
She appeared on BitRebels Top 75 Badas$ Women on Twitter,
was featured in The Huffington Post article "Rise of the Female Geek." and made an appearance in the celebrity roast, "Who is Chris Brogan?."
Her Twitter bio sums her up as a fun person; likes humor, Apple/Mac, cool, interesting, design, art, business, technology, weird, pop culture & breaking news.
We sum her up as Awesome.
Christina Majaski
Christina Majaski was the first investor in that believed in the idea, without actually knowing anyone that worked here. She gave us a place on her blog,
promoted us in her contest and was an amazing supporter through our funding effort. She's also a fantastic freelance writer who can be found dispensing hilarious and
sardonic wisdom at her blog SolitaryMama. Follow her everywhere.
Saul Fleischman
Saul was one of the earliest sounding boards for the technical and ideological concepts for Later, he tirelessly promoted funding efforts on his blog and personal networks.
Saul's marketing acuity led us to what was at the time a 20% increase in our funding. But that's just what Saul does.
Working with social web apps developers on getting things made, Saul's role tends to be functionality ideation, user experience, and also, marketing communications and community development.